Introducing The Snack Magazine's AndNowUKnowItAll Segment

Introducing The Snack Magazine's AndNowUKnowItAll Segment

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SACRAMENTO, CA - Those who follow and subscribe to The Snack Magazine got a Thanksgiving surprise in the mailbox last montha ninth issue for the year and nothing like the magazines before it.

Our team had fun exploring new possibilities for our sister publication as we expanded its offering, including the launch of our AndNowUKnowItAll segment. Flipping through the pages of WTF (What the Fork) galore, readers also found puzzles and crosswords to wake up the brain as they enter the holiday season.

In this issue’s debut were the following playful pages:

  • Crossword Puzzle #1, page 23
  • Spot the Differences, page 62
  • Crossword Puzzle #2, page 97
  • Treasure Hunt, page 99

Flipping through the pages of The Snack November issue, readers also found puzzles and crosswords to challenge the mind as we enter the holiday season

If you were able to solve any of the above, snap a photo of yourself holding the completed challenge and send it our way for a $50 cash prize—maybe lunch is on us, or maybe just a little extra boost for that holiday shopping! If it was a crossword, please include the correct answers in your email to be verified by our content creators.

Think of this as the latest leg of our regularly scheduled Snack Cover Hidden Logo contest—an opportunity for a little fun, a few bragging rights, and one more way to appreciate the fresh produce industry. But we have to see your face in order for you to win!

This is separate and not included with the Snack Cover Hidden Logo contest, which will continue to be announced and initiated in its own AndNowUKnow newsletter.

If you just can’t seem to solve them, don’t worry. We will be posting all the correct answers on the new AndNowUKnowItAll page of once the winners are announced, so keep your eyes peeled!

How did you like these new additions to The Snack Magazine? Want to see more of these throughout the year? We’d love to hear your thoughts at [email protected].

The Snack Magazine

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