Lakeside Organic Gardens’ Dick Peixoto & Family Donate $2 Million Towards Education Center

Lakeside Organic Gardens’ Dick Peixoto & Family Donate $2 Million Towards Education Center

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WATSONVILLE, CA – Lakeside Organic Gardens is investing in a new facility that could help shape the future or organic and sustainable agriculture.

Dick Peixoto, Founder, Lakeside Organic Gardens (Photo Credit: Science Notes, UC Santa Cruz)

Founder Dick Peixoto and family have donated $2 million to the Pajaro Valley non-profit organization “Agri-Culture, Inc.” in order to help develop an organic and sustainable agriculture education facility that would serve as a resource to people interested in starting an organic farm, learning about organic farming, or seeing how their food is grown organically, according to a press release.

“The public has shown us a strong interest in organic and sustainable agriculture,” Peixoto said in a statement. “I feel strongly that the proposed learning center will create opportunities that will allow the public to advance its knowledge while encouraging careers in organic agriculture through education and focused training programs.”


Our sales manager teaching his daughter about growing (and selling!!) green beans- she loves them!!

A photo posted by Lakeside Organic Gardens (@lakesideorganicgardens) on Mar 25, 2014 at 12:28pm PDT


Lakeside Organic Gardens and Agri-Culture, Inc. will be joining forces to facilitate the development of the fund and learning center. Though the facility is still in its planning stages, both companies are highly optimistic that the development will open up a number of opportunities for the organic agriculture community.

Steve Bontadelli, President, Agri-Culture, Inc.“We are honored to be chosen to help Dick Peixoto and his family fulfill their dream of providing educational programs focused on organic and sustainable agriculture,” said Agri-Culture, Inc. President Steve Bontadelli. “It’s wonderful that the program Dick Peixoto envisions will benefit the public, the industry, and our local area.”

Other individuals, corporations, or foundations interested in furthering this cause are encouraged to donate to the fund as well.

Lakeside Organic Gardens

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