Limoneira Company Co-Sponsors Startup Weekend Ventura County for Entreprenurial Agriculturalists

SANTA PAULA, CA - Limoneira has announced an innovative new co-sponsorship today that calls upon agriculturalists and plant scientists everywhere for Ventura County’s Startup Weekend.
Held from March 11 through 13 at Rancho Campana High School in Camarillo, California, this event will bring an innovative agricultural Internet of Things, Limoneira says in a press release.
Alex Teague, Senior Vice President, Limoneira
"Startup Weekend Ventura County's mission is to bring together entrepreneurial agriculturalists, plant scientists, engineers, programmers and system architects to devise new sensing methods for agriculture and to launch new businesses that provide agricultural Internet of Things systems that operate on a wide range of spatial and temporal scales could turn Ventura County into a hot bed for agricultural startups,” explained Limoneira’s Senior Vice President Alex Teague.
Organized by Dignity Health St. John's Hospitals and Camarillo Chamber of Commerce, this 54-hour event is designed to help entrepreneurs launch startups which provide innovative Internet of Things healthcare and agricultural solutions. You can learn more about the event from this video of last year's StartUp Weekend in Conejo Valley.
"The understanding of the science of living organisms and the exponential growth in the processing power of information technology have raised the potential for productivity growth in American agriculture,” Teague continued.
He predicts that this era could even outstrip the impressive record of growth logged over the course of the 20th century. For more information on the event, check out Startup Weekend Ventura County's webpage here.
The Limoneira Company was founded in Ventura County, California in 1893. Its founders were pioneers of spirit and vision…