Limoneira's Megan Roosevelt Kicks Off Summer Festivities with Lemons

Limoneira's Megan Roosevelt Kicks Off Summer Festivities with Lemons

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SANTA PAULA, CA – June is here, complete with warm weather and Summer festivities, and Limoneira’s Megan Roosevelt is meeting the season with a series of easy and festive recipes and home décor idea to kick the season off in citrus-packed style.

The Healthy Grocery Girl® Proprietor and Limoneira Spokesperson has put together a series of helpful video demonstrations. The lemon provider also noted, in a press release, that it has linked with additional global chefs and mixologists, nutritionists, and beauty lifestyle and green cleaning experts that share their knowledge with the customers of our grocery and foodservice partners around the world.

Examples of recipes and usage ideas featured in the company’s campaign include:

Meyer Lemon Salmon & Veggie Kebabs


  • ½ lb salmon
  • 2 Limoneira meyer lemons
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 tbsp cooking oil
  • 2 tbsp cilantro

Directions: Slice zucchini and lemons. Then dice cilantro and add to the cooking oil with juice from ½ of a meyer lemon. For each kebab, use 4 pieces of salmon and 3 slices each of zucchini and lemon. Layer on a barbeque safe skewer and top with some lemon-cilantro oil. Grill for about 15 minutes, rotating 2-3 times until the salmon is fully cooked for an easy and healthy BBQ treat perfect for a Father’s Day dinner or outdoor entertaining.

Lemon Coconut Pops


  • 2 cups coconut milk (from a can)
  • ½ cup fresh lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp raw local honey

Directions: Whisk all ingredients together and pour into popsicle mould. Freeze for 6+ hours and serve—just in time to celebrate a graduation or any occasion.

Lemon Floral Arrangement

What you’ll need:

  • 1 wide-mouthed mason jar or clear glass vase
  • Sliced Limoneira lemons
  • Flowers of your choosing

Directions: Add lemon slices to jar/vase. Add flowers, and use lemon slices to fill in any remaining gaps. Fill with water and place on a table to brighten up any summer celebrations!

For more usage ideas for the versatile and delicious fruit, the company recommends subscribing to the Limoneira YouTube channel.


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The Limoneira Company was founded in Ventura County, California in 1893. Its founders were pioneers of spirit and vision…