Lisa McNeece, Patrick Lucy, Reggie Griffin, Megan Gorgisheli, Brianna Shales, and Crystal Chavez Talk Reflections and 2024 Aspirations

Lisa McNeece, Patrick Lucy, Reggie Griffin, Megan Gorgisheli, Brianna Shales, and Crystal Chavez Talk Reflections and 2024 Aspirations

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SACRAMENTO, CA - Last year was quite a gift, both personally and professionally. I gave birth to my daughter, Niko Blue Wright, I kicked(ish) my peanut butter craving and replaced it with bananas in oatmeal with pumpkin pie spice, and I grew as a member of our AndNowUKnow team—challenges, hurdles, successes, stumbles, and all. I enter 2024 a little wiser, a bit more peaceful, and even more dedicated to advocating for you all.

Industry members recently shared their 2023 highlights and words of wisdom for 2024
Industry members recently shared their 2023 highlights and words of wisdom for 2024 

These dreams and actions pass through my mind as we enter the new year. With so much horizon in front of us and a whole lot of reflection to provide us guidance, I reached out to some of our friends for their own New Year greeting and messaging to the industry.

Reggie Griffin, Founder, Reggie Griffin Strategies

Reggie Griffin, Founder, Reggie Griffin Strategies

"Hoping all my friends in this great industry of ours are looking forward to a wonderful year of growth both in business and friendships. Sandi and I moved to Montgomery, Texas, this past year from Hilton Head and are just loving being back in Texas again. 2024 Mantra: Live fast, BUT don’t die young!"

Megan Gorgisheli, Vice President, Marketing Administration and Brand, Giumarra Companies

Megan Gorgisheli, Vice President of Marketing Administration & Brand, Giumarra Companies
Megan Gorgisheli, Vice President, Marketing Administration and Brand, Giumarra Companies

“As we dive into 2024, shoppers are keeping us on our toes as the most informed, practical, and enthusiastic group we’ve seen yet. This is such an opportunity for our industry—consumers are open-minded about food and want to know what they can add, not subtract, to their plates to live healthier, happier lives. It’s an inspiring time to be a fresh produce marketer, and we look forward to working with our retail partners on some exciting projects this year!”

Brianna Shales, Marketing Director, Stemilt

Brianna Shales, Marketing Director, Stemilt
Brianna Shales, Marketing Director, Stemilt

“Happy 2024 to the wonderful produce industry! As the new year turned, I reflected on how blessed I am to be working alongside great people who are passionate about growing fresh and flavorful fruit. The ebbs and flows in the produce business are constant, but so is the reward of supplying wholesome fruit for the world to enjoy. Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2024!”

Crystal Chavez, Marketing Coordinator, Gold Coast Packing

Crystal Chavez, Marketing Coordinator, Gold Coast Packing
Crystal Chavez, Marketing Coordinator, Gold Coast Packing

“I love the new year. It is a time to start FRESH, make plans, and set goals. Cheers to 2024, and let's make the best of the 366 days this new year offers us! The Gold Coast Packing team is looking forward to seeing you all very soon and sharing our new and innovative items.”

Patrick Lucy, President, Del Rey Avocado Company

Patrick Lucy, President, Del Rey Avocado
Patrick Lucy, President, Del Rey Avocado Company

"Happy New Year, from the team at Del Rey Avocado Company. We are looking forward to an exciting and promising 2024 in produce. We are also looking forward to GROWING new relationships and working with our existing growers and partners to make 2024 their most successful avocado season ever!"

Lisa McNeece, Vice President of Foodservice and Industrial Sales, Grimmway Farms

Lisa McNeece, Vice President of Foodservice and Industrial Sales, Grimmway Farms
Lisa McNeece, Vice President of Foodservice and Industrial Sales, Grimmway Farms

“As we transition into the New Year, I have taken a moment to reflect on the past couple of years. I am so in awe of our produce industry and how resilient we all are. Like so many others, we have had our challenges but we adapted and persevered! May this new year bring happiness, new goals, new achievements, and new beginnings. Most of all, remember to be thankful and kind. Each moment is a gift; make the most of it! Happy 2024!”

Thank you all for an amazing, insightful, and courageous 2023! Cheers to the horizon ahead!