Michoacan Named the Largest Mexican Strawberry Growing Region for 4th Time

Michoacan Named the Largest Mexican Strawberry Growing Region for 4th Time

MICHOACAN, MX - For the 4th year in a row, Michoacan is the largest strawberry growing region in Mexico, with the town of Los Reyes at the center of this strawberry empire. According to Mario Alejandro Andrade, President of the National Association of Producers and Packers of Berries, Michoacan's strawberry production ranks even higher than northern Baja California and Jalisco, with a production area of 22,982 hectares. This enormous growing region produces 538,912 tons of produce, a value of over 9 billion pesos.

"Michoacán has a privileged geographical position and climate, because it has the perfect climate to produce these strawberries, and production can be easily distributed to the entire country, and even for the export market. We hope to involve between 700 and 800 producers, traders and members of the general public in the upcoming Congress, " Andrade said.

That Congress, the 4th International Aneberries Congress more specifically, will be taking place in the city of Morelia in Michoacan from August 20-22nd, in honor of Michoacan's special place in the produce industry.

Michoacan is not just known for its strawberries however. According to Mimorelia it is also a national leader in blackberry production, generating between 70,000 - 80,000 jobs for agricultural workers.

With crops like this behind them, the future is looking bright for Michoacan. The Director of Information and Press of the General Coordination of Social Communication, Eduardo López Nolasco explained that the International Aneberries Congress had chosen its slogan, Asian Market: A Window of Opportunity, because of the increasing opportunity in the growing Chinese export market for Mexican growers.

With the way production and trade in this reason is expanding, who knows what this number could be as we move into the future. What I do know for sure is, I'll certainly be keeping my eye on Michoacan as we move forward.