Morning Star Fresh Founder Bret Sill Discusses Spearheading Bakersfield Pheasant Hunt Drive

Morning Star Fresh Founder Bret Sill Discusses Spearheading Bakersfield Pheasant Hunt Drive

BAKERSFIELD, CA - This month, while a great time to promote fruits and vegetables, is also one in which America thinks of those that do not have the same access to those healthy foods that others do.

Bret Sill, Founder and Director, Morning Star Fresh Ministry“I’ve been in the produce business my whole career, and one day on a plane I got this vision to do something,” Bret Sill, Founder and Director of Morning Star Fresh Food Ministry, an organization that seeks to provide healthy foods and anything else struggling families might need. “These families can’t go in and buy fruits and vegetables because, when on a limited income, they are going to buy what’s cheap - chips and crackers that are going to go further along than apples or a bag of lettuce.”

Using the skills and connections he developed in the produce industry, Bret has built a network of support throughout Bakersfield, CA, to provide fresh fruits and vegetables to those who could not otherwise afford them.

Morning Star Fresh Food Ministry

A number of growers have joined Morning Star to help provide fresh fruits and vegetables to the cause, including Anthony Vineyards, Bolthouse Farms, Country Sweet Produce, Giumarra Vineyards, Grimmway Farms, Paramount Citrus, Sunview Marketing, TD Produce, and many others.

“We are blessed to have some really great growers help us in this endeavor and provide with fresh produce,” Bret said of those that have joined the push.

Now Morning Star has joined the local turkey drive, Pheasant Hunt, setting a new and ambitious goal: to donate 4,000 turkeys and give struggling families a happy Thanksgiving.

“We want the support of our local community to come out and support this fundraiser and, in particular, to help us reach more families,” Bret tells me of the drive to provide these turkeys to those who need them. “To minister and really make this love for Thanksgiving a really special year.”

While Morning Star has previously been involved in the drive, this is its first year spearheading the fundraiser. “We’re not going to be just another food ministry, but one that will serve these families and will look to feed them both physically and spiritually,” Bret said.

So, not only will the ministry be collecting donations, but will also be buying up turkeys to deliver to families as needed: raw if the family has means to prepare it, cooked if they do not.

The drive takes place this Saturday, November 7th, in Bakersfield, CA. For those interested in finding out how they can help in making this a great holiday for those who struggle all year long, you can reach out to Morning Star directly for more information by emailing [email protected].

To donate to the cause, please visit

Morning Star Fresh Food Ministry

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Morning Star Fresh Ministries

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