Naturipe Farms Wishes You a Happy Blue Year!
SALINAS, CA - 2020 is almost upon us! What better way to ring in the new year than by enjoying a handful (or more!) of delicious blubes? The berries are known for packing a huge amount of antioxidants and nutrients in a tiny package, and are loved by many as not only delicious but versatile too in a variety of uses. So, in honor of this humble fruit, the year 2020 will henceforth be known as the Year of the Blueberry, and Naturipe Farms, a leading purveyor of blueberries, is excited to wish a “Happy Blue Year” to all.
“We’ve celebrated blueberry’s color and flavor since we began growing blueberries over 85 years ago, so you can imagine our excitement when we saw that the blueberry was finally getting the attention it deserves,” said CarrieAnn Arias, Vice President of Marketing. “We’re excited to amplify the blueberry’s classic blue palate and taste that we’ve always known and loved.”
Naturipe’s Blue Year kicked off with a New Year’s countdown on December 27 on its Instagram account, leading up to a big announcement—which is set to come in early January. According to the press release, the Year of the Blueberry is supported by two recent announcements: Pantone’s “Classic Blue” as 2020’s Color of the Year and Firmenich’s “Classic Blueberry” as 2020’s flavor of the year.
“We couldn’t agree more with Firmenich’s description of the blueberry as ‘timeless and enduring,’ and consumers certainly feel the same way. Blueberries have so much versatility, nutritional benefits, and burst of flavor,” said Arias. “We’ve seen an increase in blueberry consumption in recent years and with growers across the world, we produce quality blueberries for consumers year-round to support this increase in demand.”
Pop some clamshells instead of champagne tonight to get a jumpstart on the new year! Keep reading ANUK as we bring you more fruity news.