New Zealand Avocado Growers Association Celebrates World Avocado Day
NEW ZEALAND - July 31 is known by many in this industry as World Avocado Day. The holiday recently gave us another reason to celebrate the global avocado supply, and the New Zealand Avocado Growers Association made sure to get in on the action. Plus, it aligned perfectly with the arrival of this year's New Zealand avocado season.
According to a press release, avocados from New Zealand contain 19 vitamins and minerals and three very special nutrients: antioxidants, folate, and omega 3. Renowned for their unique taste and unmatched versatility, these avocados have earned their place as a staple ingredient in countless dishes worldwide. What sets them apart is their ability to ripen into perfection right after being carefully picked from the tree.
In April, New Zealand proudly hosted the World Avocado Congress for the first time. This event brought together nearly 1,200 avocado enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a commitment to advancing the avocado industry and promoting the incredible benefits of this amazing fruit. World Avocado Day was also a wonderful opportunity to unite with avocado lovers worldwide and express admiration. It was also a chance to acknowledge the community of hardworking growers who play an essential role in cultivating the fruit.
As nutrient-dense fruits, avocados provide a natural source of energy, support heart health, aid in healthy weight management, and offer a generous dose of dietary fiber, the release stated. Avocados have become an all-time favorite in New Zealand, captivating taste buds and sparking culinary innovation across the country.
We welcome all opportunities to celebrate avocados, so get out there and make that green gold shimmer.