Organic Trade Association Brings Organic Farmers to DC to Talk Farm Bill

Organic Trade Association Brings Organic Farmers to DC to Talk Farm Bill

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WASHINGTON, DC - Journeying to Washington, DC on November 29th and 30th, nineteen organic farmer members of the Organic Trade Association’s (OTA) Farmers Advisory Council, the largest coalition in the United States of organic farmers and organic farming organizations, will talk with lawmakers and policy officials about organic priorities in the 2018 Farm Bill.

Coordinated by the OTA’s Farmers Advisory Council, the event will bring in farmers from across the country and from a variety of fields including specialty crop growers, dairy farmers, and egg and livestock producers.

OTA's Farmers Advisory Council

Based on more than 500 responses to a comprehensive farm bill survey conducted by the OTA in early 2017, the association has identified three top priorities for the 2018 Farm Bill: promoting a healthy organic marketplace, ensuring that organic farmers continue to be successful, and expanding organic production.

The Farmers Advisory Council represents over 8,000 certified organic farmers nationwide, and member organizations who have endorsed OTA’s Farm Bill Priority Platform include California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF), Georgia Organics, Organic Egg Farmers of America, Montana Organic Association, Oregon Tilth Certified Organic, Organic Valley/CROPP Cooperative, Pennsylvania Certified Organic, and Tilth Alliance of Washington.

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Organic Trade Association

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Organic Trade Association

The Organic Trade Association (OTA) is the membership-based business association for the organic industry in North…