Over 2,100 Guests Attended the First Ever PMA Fruittrade Event

Over 2,100 Guests Attended the First Ever PMA Fruittrade Event

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SANTIAGO, CHILE – The inaugural Produce Marketing Association (PMA) Fruittrade Latin America, which took place in Santiago, Chile on November 12-13, hosted over 2,100 attendees from across the fresh produce supply chain.

According to a press release, this first-of-its-kind event for South America featured 100 exhibitors along with 98 speakers from 11 countries across 5 continents for a series of educational workshops.

Nancy Tucker, PMANancy Tucker, Vice President of PMA’s Global Business Development said, “The number and quality of the attendees, the strength of the trade show, the excellent educational sessions and the unique business roundtable made this event a great value for all."

Russell Mounce, Sam's ClubSam’s Club Senior Director of Produce and Floral, Russell Mounce, spoke on the event saying, “This event in Santiago, aside from providing a great excuse to do business in such great weather, gave suppliers a time and place at the start of the season to finalize plans with retailers for now, and for next year.”

The event’s inaugural session kicked off with Chile’s Minister of Agriculture Carlos Furche, Sam’s Club Senior Director of Produce and Floral Russell Mounce, ProChile’s Director Roberto Paiva and Fedefruta President Juan Carolus Brown.

Carlos Furche, Chilean Agriculture Minister “Here, it has been pointed out that the international demand for fruit continues to be very consistent, and, as demographic data shows, the world population will keep growing," said the Chilean Agriculture Minister, Carlos Furche, in the session.  He added that he valued the creation of the PMA Fruittrade Latin America to facilitate the supply of fresh food to the main world markets.

Gustavo Yentzen, Yentzen GroupIn the same session, Gustavo Yentzen, Yentzen Group’s CEO, added, “Today was the launch of a dream, a dream that is not just ours but shared by many who looked to accomplish a global trade fair in Latin America.  And here we are, creating a new way to connect the Latin American horticultural industry with the rest of the world.”

Roberto Paiva, the Director of ProChile, was also present.  He celebrated the fact that PMA Fruittrade Latin America brought producers and exporters from Chile and all South America together, to meet global buyers and increase their business opportunities.

Juan Carolus Brown Bauzá, Fedefruta"After years successfully promoting the direct trade between producers and importers, with business roundtables that have stimulated the growth of fruit producers in the commercial chain, we firmly believe that the alliance with PMA has definitely internationalized this event. The incorporation of educational conferences gave industry members the tools to make good business decisions,” noted Fedefruta President Juan Carolus Brown Bauzá.

At the event, about 100 buyers were able to meet with producers and exporters from Chile, Argentina, Peru and Colombia in an international business roundtable.

Congratulations on the successful event!


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