Potatoes USA Opens Nominations for 2023 Board Members
DENVER, CO - Calling all leaders! If you have visions of influencing the potato community, then we have just the news for you. Potatoes USA recently announced the opening of 2023–2026 nominations for new Board Members.
A total of 65 spots are up for grabs as the Board seeks nominees for producers and importers across the country. According to the Potatoes USA release, all state potato organizations have received the information and materials to begin the process of seeking and nominating interested growers. Appointed growers will be seated on the Board at the 2023 Annual Meeting in Denver, March 13–15, 2023.
Board Members should communicate the interests of his/her production region to the Board and carry the message of the Board back to his/her farming community. A nominee for Potatoes USA should be willing to:
- Attend the Board’s Annual meeting held in March each year of the 2023–2026 term
- Be active in the potato farming community
- Be visible in community work and participate in local government, cultural, or business affairs
- Be willing to represent and communicate with his/her constituents on a regular basis
- Take the time to actively support Potatoes USA programs in his/her area
- Speak to grower groups, newspaper reporters, and interested parties about Potatoes USA programs
The nominating process will be completed by August 15, 2022.
Click here for more information.
Who will we see on the Board come next year? Stay tuned as we report.