Stanislaus County Agriculture Exports Worth Almost 2 Billion Dollars in 2012
CENTRAL VALLEY, CA - Stanislaus County exported nearly $1.8 billion worth of total goods during the 2013 season, a 20.3% increase from 2012, and almost triple the exports numbers from a decade ago. County officials can thank the county's farmers for much of this boom, considering that crop production, including almonds and walnuts, made up nearly half of all exports last year, amounting to more than $862 million in value, according to the Merced Sun Star.
“We’re proud of the role California almonds play in creating jobs and economic growth throughout the state, not just on farms, but throughout the supply chain,” said Stacey Humble, the Almond Board of California’s Executive Director for Global Marketing.
“Almonds have evolved into a multifaceted product...[a big] part of the health food craze,” agreed Rey Campanur, the Stanislaus Business Alliance’s Vice President of Business Development. “We are finding more and more companies are venturing out, looking at foreign countries to grow their markets.”
Stanislaus' place as the top almond-producing county in California, a state which boasts nearly all of America's commercial almond orchards, certainly puts it in a prime position to make the most of this increasing demand. In light of this, it is unsurprising to hear from the Almond Board that 67% of these California almonds are exported abroad, especially when you take into account that exported food items are exempted from the California sales tax.
“We encourage growers and food processors in the Valley to take advantage of tax exemptions aimed at spurring further job creation and economic growth,” Board of Equalization Member, George Runner, said. It is a “...good sign that the Central Valley's economy is rebounding.”
Stanislaus County was not alone in enjoying a strong export market either. According to the Merced Sun Star, Merced County exported almost $961 million and San Joaquin County exported nearly $1.3 billion in goods, a 21.4% and 9.6% increase from 2012 respectively.
Congratulations to the growers of the Central Valley for making these exciting numbers possible!