Successful Growth Comes from Overcoming Challenges; Mucci Farms Shares Recent Resolution

A message from the team at Mucci Farms:
Mucci Farms is the home of a very large and prosperous greenhouse vegetable industry. They are Kingsville’s largest employer. Their 1200 full-time employees supply fresh produce to every corner of North America. Mucci Farms has been in business for over 50 years.
Several months ago food inspectors from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (“the CFIA”) examined the records of the Company. Mucci Farms was completely cooperative with the investigators. The Company supplied their own employees to assist the investigators in examining all corporate records over several years.
The investigators discovered some mistakes or anomalies in our computer records. We take responsibility for those mistakes and have promised to make every reasonable effort to ensure that this does not occur in the future. Since Mucci Farms is considered a leader in the produce industry we view correcting mistakes as an important part of maintaining our status as a leader in the industry.
Yesterday we accepted regulatory offenses. A regulatory offence is not a crime. The standard for proving a regulatory offence is lowered so that it does not require proof of an intentional act or a guilty mind. Regulatory offenses impose penalties for mistakes. Companies are required to be diligent in their operations not to make mistakes. The reality is, in most large businesses, quite unintentionally, mistakes are made.
The entire process was helpful. Our Company has now revised some aspects of our record-keeping programs, in order to offer additional assurances. It is now more efficient than ever.
As a successful fresh produce company in our area, Mucci Farms intends to remain the area’s preeminent supplier of fresh produce.
"We pride ourselves on executing the highest standards and best practices associated with all aspects of our business. Our steady growth, continued business and overall success are all direct results of these standards. We feel we owe no less to our loyal customers and employees," Danny Mucci, says.
Mucci Farms, a family-owned and community-based company has conducted business with the highest ethical morals over the years and will continue to do so.
We have 50 years of passion, commitment and many successes behind us and we only have good things a head of us to look forward too.
"We respect the patience, support and commitment we have received from all our customers and employees during these last several months and we are happy to move forward and continue to grow, and work hard for our industry," Joe Spano, adds.
Mucci Farms grows a variety of standard and specialty tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and eggplant. Fresh and delicious,…