Sunkist Promotes Diverse Citrus Varieties for Peak Season
VALENCIA, CA - The long-awaited peak citrus season has arrived with several Sunkist citrus varieties in tow. Cara Cara, Navel and Blood oranges, and Meyer lemons are at full-flavor with strong supplies and top quality, with late season specialties like Gold Nugget mandarins and Ojai Pixie tangerines currently ramping up. On top of all that citrusy goodness, California Star Ruby grapefruit season is kicking off with excellent flavor and color, the company says.
“With consumers’ growing desire to eat seasonally and so many citrus varieties at their best, now is the optimal time for retailers to show off these items with in-store displays and educational signage,” shared Joan Wickham, Sunkist’s Director of Communications. “Sunkist is seeing increasing demand for peak season specialties, and consumers are more confident in their purchase decisions when retailers communicate the nuances of these unique varieties.”
Sunkist continues to offer retailers with a wide array of packaging and point-of-sale materials to help build consumer awareness, demand, and drive sales on all of these peak season varieties.
“Sunkist provides many tools to promote the unique attributes of citrus varieties and pique consumer interest with usage and recipe ideas, flavor profiles and nutrition information,” added Julie DeWolf, Director of Retail Marketing at Sunkist. “We work closely with our customers to create customized materials and programs that help educate consumers and drive demand. And now, due to new digital printing capabilities, we can customize bins and other point-of-sale materials with a one week lead time, allowing retailers to quickly execute promotional programs in a way that fits their stores’ unique formats and needs.”
So what’s exactly is in season for Sunkist?
Cara Cara Navels
Branded by Sunkist as The Power Orange, Cara Caras pack a punch of 150 percent of the daily Vitamin C requirement. While they may look like Navel oranges on the outside, the seedless interior shows a rich pink hue due to the natural presence of lycopene. Known for being extremely sweet with slightly lower acidity than regular Navels, Cara Caras are available through May.
Navel Oranges
The most popular and widely known citrus fruit, Navel Oranges are also in peak season. Seedless and sweet, these oranges make for a delicious snack and a great addition to recipes. Sunkist Navel oranges are available through June.
Meyer Lemon
Meyer lemon retail sales and volume have increased significantly in the peak season period over the last 18 months, making them one of the fastest growing varieties in the citrus category. Sunkist offers Meyer lemons year-round, with strong supplies available now. Showcasing a smooth rind, these lemons are a bit sweeter and less acidic than conventional lemons and have a refreshing herbal scent.
“Consumer demand for lemons continues to rise, and with lemons coming into peak production, this is a great time for retailers to leverage point-of-sale materials and secondary displays to promote lemons throughout the store,” said DeWolf.
Blood Oranges
Blood oranges get their name from the maroon color of their interior, which can vary in intensity. Offering a distinct, rich orange taste with a hint of fresh raspberry, the peel often shows a red blush, helping to distinguish it from other oranges. Blood oranges are available through early April.
“Easy-peelers also continue to grow in demand due to their convenience and great taste,” added Wickham. “As we enter the spring months, Gold Nugget variety mandarins and Ojai Pixie tangerines are two late-season easy-peelers with distinct flavor profiles and growing popularity among consumers.
Gold Nuggets
Known for their sweetness and shiny, bumpy rind, a professional taste panel even deemed Gold Nuggets to be one of the best-tasting citrus varieties. Sunkist plans to ship them through May.
Ojai Pixie Tangerines
Ojai Pixie tangerines, also available through May, are named for the lush Ojai region of Southern California where they’re grown. They are small in size, seedless and intensely sweet. Their pebbly, light orange skin is easy to peel, making them a favorite among citrus lovers.
“Additionally, California Star Ruby grapefruit is a springtime variety that is beginning to ship now,” said Wickham. “With its unique tangy-sweet flavor, grapefruit is trending among millennial consumers who are experimenting with consumption in beverages, ranging from nutrient-rich smoothies to creative mixology.”
California Star Rubies
With its rich pink flesh and distinct sweet-tart flavor, California Star Rubies are a go-to choice, perfect for breakfast, a healthy snack, a zesty addition to a salad or freshly squeezed to brighten up a cocktail. This variety offers numerous health benefits, including weight control, cholesterol management and added boosts of Vitamin A and C.
To learn more about Sunkist, visit www.sunkist.com or contact the Sunkist sales team at [email protected].