Sunview Marketing Brings Sweet Carnival to the Produce Aisle
MCFARLAND, CA - Happy Carnival Day! Today is a day for widening the scope of what it means to partake in the joys of a carnival. I’m sure we all imagine the rides, the shows (both magical and musical), and who doesn’t think about the treats?
It’s Carnival Day, celebrating a classic way towns around the world see a bit more excitement than usual, and Sunview wants to bring that flavor directly to the produce aisle.
“Sunview has developed a brand that we call Sweet Carnival™. The flavor closely resembles a sweet carnival treat,” Mitch Wetzel, VP of Sales, shares with me. “We introduced the brand last year with smaller volumes for the market. This year, we are excited to say we will have commercial volumes of the brand.”
Today might be Carnival Day, but Sweet Carnival season is on its way to keep the flavor and fun in produce aisles through autumn.
“The timing of Sunview’s Sweet Carnival for 2019 will be from the end of August through October. Our availability will be longer and we will have more volume than other similar varieties,” Mitch says.
This new variety is grown in California exclusively by Sunview Marketing, after having been naturally developed by combining several different varieties together to create a unique taste.
“It is actually fun to get people to guess and think about the grape if they don’t get the flavor immediately,” he smiles. “This engages the consumer in the sampling and purchase.”
Crisp to slightly soft in texture, Sweet Carnival is easy to bite through for kids and medium-sized, making it a great fit for any grape eater. The amber/yellow color, Mitch explains, is natural for this grape and means it’s sweet and flavorful.
Keep on the lookout for this exciting new addition at the end of next summer, just when consumers think they might have to bid farewell to carnivals!