Domex's Superfresh Organics™ Promotes Apples for Earth Day
YAKIMA, WA - With everything in full bloom and the sun shining on all of Mother Nature’s wonders, there’s no better season to celebrate Earth Day than spring. And with the earth-loving holiday just around the corner, Domex Superfresh Growers® is gearing up to turn all of April into Earth Month as a means to promote Superfresh Organics™ Washington-grown apples well into the summer after a record year.
“We believe that caring for the land, air, and water in our little corner of the world affects everyone on the planet. Superfresh Organics naturally fits into our orchard and growing system, and we are pleased to offer many Northwest grown organic varieties nearly year-round,” Catherine Gipe-Stewart, Communications Manager, said.
The demand for more organic produce is growing, causing the organic apple category to increase as a result. In 2017, organic apples ranked as the second highest organic fruit in dollar and volume share—up 4 percent versus previous year in dollars, and up 13 percent in volume versus previous year—with organic apples overall representing 21 percent of both dollar and volume share in the organic fruit category, according to a press release.
Grown in the heartland of Washington state where hot days and cool nights create the ideal environment for fresh and clean crunchy, juicy apples, SuperFresh Organics encourage and support consumers in their desire to buy local fresh produce that adheres to the highest standards of organics.
“We cultivate our orchards to be a biodiverse system that works in synchronization with nature. One of our most important tools for delivering fresh organic fruit is Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to manage harmful pests. Using IPM protocols, we ensure beneficial insects, such as honey bees, ladybugs, and spiders, have a rich environment to flourish and nurture our orchard environment. Superfresh growing practices allows us to cultivate fruit that our consumers can enjoy for generations to come,” Gipe-Stewart continued.
Looking for marketing material and social media kits to support Earth Day organic programs? Superfresh Growers offers content kits featuring recipes, photos, and more, so be sure to reach out to your local Superfresh Growers representative for more information, and to begin setting April Earth Day and Earth Month ads in your stores.