Tanimura & Antle Sponsors Celebrity Chef Hari Ghotra's Star Treatment of Veggies at London Produce Show

Tanimura & Antle Sponsors Celebrity Chef Hari Ghotra's Star Treatment of Veggies at London Produce Show

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LONDON, ENGLAND - Tanimura & Antle (T&A) sponsored an event this morning that quite literally brought the star treatment to the cauliflower category.

London-based Celebrity Chef Hari Ghotra used her uniquely Indian-inspired style to prepare an entire head of cauliflower live at the London Produce Show at 11:30 a.m. local time today.

Caitlin Antle Wilson, Sales and Marketing Director for Tanimura & Antle“We cannot wait to meet Hari in person in London and watch her demonstration,” Caitlin Antle Wilson, Sales and Marketing Director for T&A, said in a press release before leaving for the event. “We are thrilled to support her preparation of whole head Cauliflower - the ‘hot veggie item’ of 2015.”

According to T&A, the event was a good way to further illuminate the versatility of cauliflower.

Chef Hari, who acquired her kitchen skills and deep passion for cooking from her “mum” at a young age, is not your traditionally trained chef. Her style stems from part of her Indian heritage and culture, and showcases easy, healthy, and authentic Indian recipes on her website HariGhotra.co.uk. To connect with Hari you can follow her on Twitter @HariGhotra.

The T&A team ‘live tweeted’ the demonstration from its Twitter handle @taproduce, and Catilin Antle Wilson will be featuring a blog post on familyfarming.taproduce.com next week after The London Produce Show, where you can stay engaged with the show by seeing the review.

To join in on the conversation via Twitter, follow @taproduce.

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Tanimura & Antle

Founded in 1982, Tanimura & Antle is an industry-leading, grower-packer-shipper with a passionate commitment to…