Troy Bland Talks 2021 Growth in Lead Up to Southern Innovations 2021
GLENNVILLE, GA - 2021 has been a year of transformation and innovation at Bland Farms, and the company is ready to show off its wares at the upcoming Southeast Produce Council’s (SEPC) Southern Innovations.
“We have always appreciated the way in which SEPC provides such a warm and welcoming environment at Southern Innovations. From the incredible networking opportunities to the educational meetings, Southern Innovations is the perfect setting for vendors and buyers,” shares Troy Bland, who was named Chief Executive Officer of Bland Farms at the beginning of this year.
Under his leadership, the company completed and kicked into gear its new state-of-the-art packing facility, and with it an expanded board of possibilities.
“The facility provides an entirely controlled atmosphere, allowing us to precisely manage the humidity, airflow, and temperature throughout every stage of the drying and packing process to deliver a better-quality sweet onion. Our storage facility has also allowed us to extend our Vidalia® season into September,” Troy tells me. “We are now moving into our premium sweet onion season, with the bulk of these onions coming from Peru, and other offerings being grown in California and Nevada. As we move into this season, we will continue to provide our customers with the highest quality of sweet onions and dynamic marketing materials.”
Onion offerings are not the only area Troy and his team have seen growth, coming off the recent partnership announcement that elevated its sweet potato operation from niche to full offering.
“We were very excited to announce our new partnership and sales company, Sand Candy Produce LLC, partnering with three other major sweet potato growers to focus on selling sweet potatoes in North Carolina and Georgia,” Troy reiterates, explaining that, while Bland Farms has been growing sweet potatoes for several years, this partnership will ensure fresher product for longer periods. “Georgia sweet potatoes are typically available earlier than North Carolina’s, and the North Carolina season extends later than Georgia’s. Additionally, Sand Candy Produce will be able to provide full marketing and promotional services to its customers, including in-store POS, social media, and customer-specific marketing.”
The company will be able to provide mixed loads of sweet potatoes and sweet onions as needed, as well as mixed bins of sweet potatoes and sweet onions upon request, giving the company plenty to talk about with buyers at SEPC.
“As a proud sponsor of SEPC, Bland Farms looks forward to participating in Southern Innovations each year. This trade show allows us the opportunity to highlight our latest developments while building relationships with others in the industry. Overall, we are grateful that things seem to be getting back to normal this year, and we are excited to see so many new and familiar faces in person at Southern Innovations,” Troy says.
To make sure you don’t miss Bland Farms or any others that put the “innovation” in Southern Innovations, register here and mark your calendars for September 9–11, 2021.