Village Farms Qualifies for OTCQX® Best Market Trading
NEW YORK CITY, NY - Village Farms International, Inc. will be able to expand its U.S. shareholder base here in the States, having just started trading on the OTCQX® Best Market as of yesterday, August 3rd.
"While our operations are evenly split between the U.S. and Canada, our sales are predominantly in the U.S. and over the years we continue to receive requests from U.S. individuals and institutions to purchase shares in Village Farms,” Michael A. DeGiglio, President and CEO of Village Farms, said in a press release. “In response to these requests and to increase our investor base, the OTCQX market provides the solution. Village Farms was founded in the U.S. in 1987, so we are proud to be traded on a premium U.S. market."
Open, Transparent and Connected (OTC) Markets Group Inc. expressed excitement for Village Farms to beginning trading on the OTCQX® Market, which will give U.S. investors current financial disclosure and Real-Time Level 2 quotes for the company through the OTC Markets Group website.
"Village Farms' cutting-edge greenhouse operations and extensive network of grocery customers is meeting North America's growing consumer demand for local, sustainable – and great tasting – produce," said R. Cromwell Coulson, President and CEO of OTC Markets Group in a statement. "We are proud to welcome Village Farms to the OTCQX market, which will allow the company to use its existing Canadian disclosure and listing requirements to broaden its shareholder base in the U.S. market."
Village Farms trading can be found on www.otcmarkets.com under the symbol "VFFIF."
J.P. Galda & Co. is the company’s Principal American Liaison ("PAL") on OTCQX, and will be providing professional guidance on both U.S. securities laws and OTCQX requirements.