Voices of the Industry: Happy Mother's Day to Our Industry Friends!

Voices of the Industry: Happy Mother's Day to Our Industry Friends!

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THE PRODUCE UNIVERSE - Any chance we have to celebrate the amazing members of our industry, we take it. With Mother’s Day comes such an opportunity to rally those who would also like to share a few words with the bravest and most passionate people we know: You! Thank you, to all the mothers out there past and present, and those that fill those mama-level shoes that take such strength and compassion. We honor you all today—women, fur baby parents, and mothers alike!

Joining us are some of our industry friends who jumped on the opportunity to speak to you all!

Julie Olivarria, Vice President of Produce, Sysco

Julie Olivarria, Vice President of Produce, Sysco“How lucky are we? We, the women who get to work in an industry that truly impacts the lives of so many in such a positive way, while simultaneously getting to experience all of the joys of being a mom. Being a mom is the single most important job I will ever have. Cherish every moment you have with your children, never taking lightly that we are their role models. Take pride in the meaningful work we do. Done well, we can truly say we had it all!”

Anthony Innocenti, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, LIV Organic Produce

Anthony Innocenti, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, LIV Organic Produce“Mother’s Day is definitely the best time of year to really take a pause in our ever-fast everyday lives and reflect on how special our moms are. My mom has always been a huge advocate in supporting my journey in life—no matter what steps I took to get where I am today. I will continue to grow as an individual and be the best person I can be, mom. Thank you, and happy Mother’s Day!”

Alex Berkley, Director of Sales, Frieda’s Specialty Produce

Alex Berkley, Director of Sales, Frieda's Specialty Produce“Being a new mom, I often think of all the amazing women I know in the produce industry who have imparted words of wisdom about motherhood over the years…I wish all of you a Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for being such an inspiration to me, and so many other women in this industry.”

Tate Mathison, Director of Sales, Stemilt

Tate Mathison, Director of Sales, Stemilt“I want to wish my mom, Jan Mathison, a very happy Mother’s Day! She raised three kids, and has been married to a World Famous Cherry farmer (my dad, Kyle) all along the way. I guess you could say that she’s not afraid of challenges or adventures! Thanks for everything you did and still do for us, Mom/Grandma!”

Matt Reeves, Vice President of Produce, Grocery Outlet

Matt Reeves, Vice President of Produce, Grocery Outlet"Mother’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate all the mothers out there, today and every day. Wishing a sincere thank you to all those mothers for everything that you do to make the world a better place each day through your love and support! We would be lost without you, Happy Mother’s Day!"

Our industry friends would like to extend their gratitude to all of the hardworking moms this Mother's Day

Angela Hernandez, Director of Marketing, Trinity Fruit Company

Angela Hernandez, Director of Marketing, Trinity Fruit Company“Happy Mother’s Day to all the incredible moms, especially mine! Moms are just like farmers—they plant a seed in their belly, take good care of it, and in due time, harvesting season comes! Mamas never stop—like most farmers, they rise before the sun and no matter how old their trees may get, they never stop looking after them. They water, nurture, prune, and if you’re like my mom you better ‘thin’ your tree! Happiest of Mother’s Day to all the mamas—you do such an incredible job, your FRUITS can’t thank you enough!”

Kristin Yerecic Scott, Marketing Director, Yerecic Label

Kristin Yerecic Scott, Marketing Director, Yerecic Label“Moms make the world go round! To my grandmother at almost 85 years old who still comes to work, my incredible mom that raised seven children, my beautiful sisters who are moms to little ones in the world’s next generation, the amazing moms at Yerecic Label who manage to juggle kids and give their all at work, and of course, to all the moms in the produce industry who help to put food on the table around the world and at home: Thank you for going above and beyond every day to provide, support, and nurture the world!”

Lori Taylor, Founder, The Produce Moms

Lori Taylor, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, The Produce Moms®“Motherhood was the purpose and inspiration for starting The Produce Moms. There is no force in this world that is stronger than a curious and passionate mom. My hat is off to all moms, we carried this nation over the last 15 months. My heart is with everyone who is missing their mom, longs to be a mom, or has a child in heaven.”

Along with this feature, we are also putting together a Mother’s Day Yearbook early next week and would love your photo submissions. You can read more about that process and celebration here.

Happy Mother’s Day, every day!