Wayne E. Bailey Produce Acquired by Jackson Farming Company
CHADBOURN, NC - After 85 years of service and innovation in the produce industry, Wayne E. Bailey Produce announced that its brands and sales team have been acquired by Jackson Farming Company. This will help Jackson Farming Company expand its presence in the sweet potato industry with the 2019 crop. George Wooten will remain with the company throughout the process to ensure a smooth transition.
The brands that Jackson Farming Company will acquire are as follows: Play Boy®, GoodBuy®, Nutritional Allstar®, We be Yammin’®, Sampson King®, and Georges Foods® brands. As it seeks to expand its presence in the sweet potato industry, Jackson Farming Company will also be looking to expand upon these brands.
According to a press release, Jackson Farming Company is additionally expanding its production capabilities to cover all the needs of its customers in the retail, foodservice, and export industries. The expansion will include the production of count cartons, microwavables, George Foods steamable bags, and tray packs.
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