California Table Grape Commission Awards Nine Scholarships to Future Ag Students
FRESNO, CA - Higher education is something every student should have access to, and the California Table Grape Commission (CTGC) has been helping make this a reality for many deserving students from key table grape growing regions since 1985. The industry organization recently awarded nine scholarships to high-achieving students who are set to begin college this fall.
To qualify for a field worker scholarship, the applicant, parent, or guardian must work in the California table grape harvest, a press release noted. The commission awarded three field worker scholarships of $25,000 each to students attending four-year universities, as well as three $14,500 bridge field worker scholarships to students who will attend community college for two years before transferring to a four-year university.
In addition, the California Table Grape Commission presented $25,000 agricultural scholarships to three students attending a four-year university and studying in an agriculture-related field.
To learn more about the 2022 California Table Grape Commission scholarship recipients and their experiences, click here.
Congratulations to these well-deserving students on their recent scholarship awards! We at ANUK applaud the California Table Grape Commission for making vital investments in the future generations of table grape providers.