CMI Orchards Highlights Kanzi® Apples as Premium Choice for Seasonal Baking; Rochelle Bohm and Danelle Huber Detail
WENATCHEE, WA - With the holiday season comes a strong rise in consumer interest when it comes to baking, and apple pies are sure to take the spotlight soon. As retailers look to arm shoppers with what they need to bring their baked apple creations to life, CMI Orchards is highlighting Kanzi® apples as a premium choice for all things baking.
“Its sweet, intensely tangy flavor and exceptional texture—which remains firm when baked and doesn’t become mushy like other apples—sets Kanzi apart from its competitors,” said Rochelle Bohm, CMI’s Vice President of Marketing, noting how the variety consistently wins as the best-tasting apple in blind apple pie taste tests. “By focusing on quality, taste, and consumer education, Kanzi apples are more than just a product: they’re an experience, offering retailers and consumers alike a taste of something extraordinary. As we head into the holidays, Kanzi apples are poised to be the star ingredient in kitchens and stores worldwide.”
As a press release explained, this flavorful apple variety is now the second most popular variety in Europe and is gaining rapid global traction, including among United States consumers. Consumers are lured in by the apple’s intense flavor, which boasts a harmonious blend of extreme tartness and sweetness.
Kanzi apples are available from CMI Orchards in both conventional and organic. With production expanding in key regions like Italy, South Africa, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, and the U.S., retailers have a prime opportunity to secure a significant sales boost by capitalizing on Kanzi’s qualities as a top-tier baking apple throughout the holiday season.
“Shoppers consistently show their willingness to pay more for Kanzi. Retailers can leverage marketing tools like our Flavogram program to educate shoppers, encouraging them to explore beyond their usual apple choices,” added Danelle Huber, Senior Marketing Manager. “This strategy boosts sales and cultivates repeat customers who’ll return time and again after experiencing Kanzi’s taste for themselves.”
Huber also went on to explain that Kanzi’s exceptional flavor garnered high ratings and positive feedback from consumers across the U.S., based on data from 500 participants in an influencer mail out program.
CMI’s innovative Flavogram program aids shoppers in comparing apples by providing detailed flavor profiles, utilizing high-impact, point-of-sale materials to attract attention and prompt shoppers to try new apple varieties.
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