Dulcinea's® Jeff Nichol Details Increased Volume and Excellent Quality Across the Grower's Melon Offerings
LOS ANGELES, CA - It’s hard to imagine spring and summer here in the Northern Hemisphere without the taste of juicy, sweet melons in mind. As the temperatures continue to ramp up, so too is Dulcinea Farms’ melon program as the grower prepares for upcoming consumer demand with increased volumes and wonderful quality to make produce aisles the go-to summer destination.
“Planning and communication are key, and we have been working in advance with our retail partners to set up programs that will allow for more volume and expanded melon displays during the peak season,” says Jeff Nichol, Sales. “Crop planning happens a year in advance of the beginning of our season, so maintaining communication in the long term and short term are critical.”
To help prepare its buyer partners for retail success, Dulcinea recommends promoting its wide variety of high-quality fruit through displays and ads, including key varieties such as PureHeart® Mins, Tuscan-Style® Extra Sweet Cantaloupes, and Sugar Kiss® Melons.
As shoppers begin to incorporate more of this fruit into their seasonal dishes and snacks, Dulcinea is preparing for an increase in demand as it kicks off its Mexican season and looks ahead toward summer.
“The Hermosillo, Mexico, season kicked off this week, and we expect to ramp up volume on all items by mid-May,” explains Jeff. “Hermosillo was delayed compared to last year due to cold weather during the growing cycle, but Yuma, Arizona, looks to be moving along nicely, and we are expecting an increase in volume with a similar size structure compared to recent years. Our Tuscan and Kiss Melon programs also appear on track to start in late May in Arizona, and quality is expected to be excellent.”
With its Hermosillo and Arizona seasons beginning to pick up, Dulcinea is expecting promotional volumes of its watermelon and mini watermelons to begin in early May and continue throughout June. However, currently, Jeff tells me that the watermelon and mini watermelon markets have been tight and are anticipated to continue that way through the end of April.
Dulcinea is increasing its acreage in all programs and has a confident outlook for the summer season.
“Last year, the start of the pandemic made availability more unpredictable than previous seasons. This year, our plan is to increase availability through expanded acreage and new production areas,” describes Jeff. “This brings other challenges such as transportation costs, material availability, water, and labor. However, we are anticipating steady markets through the spring and summer, and the overall supply outlook is good. We look forward to a good season.”
With spring in full swing and summer right around the corner, Dulcinea has delicious varieties, unique flavors, and the consistency to collect those extra shopper dollars while drawing in both new and repeat customers.