Former and Present Buy-Side Members Share Their Thanksgiving Gratitude
UNITED STATES - I can already taste the apple and pumpkin pies, mashed sweet potatoes, bright Brussels sprouts, delicious salad creations, and more—making me even more grateful for the industry we work, thrive, and invest within.
I am so thankful for each of you, for every intricate piece of the puzzle that builds our whole, and how each member arrives every day with the passion fresh produce is so wonderfully known for. As we launch into the Thanksgiving holiday, I asked some of our friends to share their words as well. Please, join me, as we bring them to you now.
Nicole Hulstein, Produce Category Manager, Food Lion
“I am thankful for my family and the love that we share. They are both an inspiration and a source of pride! I am fortunate to work in an industry that nourishes people and fortunate to work with so many people that I genuinely like. Blessings abound!”
Daniel Bell, Senior Produce Buyer, Grocery Outlet
“I’m thankful and blessed to have my wife, Aida, at home, and my sons, Xavier, Conor, and Aidan—all healthy and all doing well and chasing their dreams. It’s been a fun year at Grocery Outlet, and as it winds down to Thanksgiving, I’d like to say thank you and happy Thanksgiving to all of our suppliers, partners, and friends out there in the produce world!”
Vic Savanello, Regional Vice President, Produce and Floral, SpartanNash
“I’m incredibly thankful for all the good fortune and happy times my wife Maria, son Dante, and daughter Mia bring me every day! I’ve been so fortunate in both my professional and home life, and appreciate that fact every day! As far as our industry is concerned, I’m thankful and consider myself blessed to have worked with or partnered with such a long list of wonderful and giving people. Our large industry is filled with quite an impressive cast of memorable people who make their mark in our industry, in their community, and with their families every day. At this very moment in my life, I am most thankful for having Jim Prevor as a friend, and for working with him on such meaningful projects in our industry as I have. I will miss him very much, our industry will miss him very much, and I am so thankful I knew him!”
Gene Harris, Senior Purchasing Manager, Denny’s
“I’m very thankful for my immediate and extended family! I’m also thankful for our Military Veterans, Police Officers, Firemen, and First Responders for all they do and have done for our freedom and safety! Happy Thanksgiving to all!”
Jeff Cady, Vice President of Produce and Floral, Tops Friendly Markets
“I am thankful to be working in an industry where our primary goal is to feed the world healthy and nutritious food. I’m very thankful to be part of it and to know so many genuine people that keep it going every day from seed to table. Happy Thanksgiving!”
Reggie Griffin, Owner, Reggie Griffin Strategies, LLC
“Typically, around Thanksgiving, many stop to think of the things they are thankful for. But, we really should be more thankful throughout the year for the freedoms we have in this country, and the ability to pursue the careers, families, religions, etc., that drive us. For those of us in the fresh produce industry, we all should be exponentially thankful for the bountiful and healthy foods that collectively we deliver to millions of families every day. Personally, I’m thankful and blessed to have the supporting family surrounding me who stood by me throughout my career both corporately and in my most recent endeavors. Happy Thanksgiving!”
From all of us at AndNowUKnow and The Snack, have a fantastic Thanksgiving, and we are grateful for all that you do for our industry!