Index Fresh Announces 2024 GEM Avocado Programs Ready for Retail; Bobby Fingerlin and Keith Blanchard Comment
CORONA, CA - This year’s California avocado crops are providing a GEM of a season. Index Fresh is now kicking off its 2024 GEM avocado season, touting an abundant crop poised to deliver quality and value to retailers and foodservice providers. These avocados will be available for a limited time from April to mid-July, presenting retailers the unique opportunity to merchandise both size and variety on the shelf.

“Index Fresh is about giving our customers choices, so we always get excited when California GEMs are offered alongside Hass,” said Bobby Fingerlin, Sales and Business Development team member. “We recently showcased 2-count and 3-count value-added GEM bags at the Viva Fresh Expo and received very positive feedback on the value and packaging that differentiates our GEMs at retail; our new label includes call outs on flavor, texture, and their California origin.”
According to a press release, Index Fresh has partnered with several California banners to bolster its locally grown programs and educate consumers on the buttery, nutty flavor profile and sustainable growing practices of the Californian GEM.

California is expected to produce over 5 million pounds of GEM in the 2024 season, likely peaking in May. The dark-skinned GEMs are harvested with a clean uniformity that stands out at retail, with a characteristic creamy texture, outstanding eating quality, and slightly nutty notes. The fruit’s thicker skin also has the advantage of being easier to peel.

“GEM was selected as a standout fruit by researchers at University of California and has a very localized sustainability story. The fruit grows on smaller trees, allowing for a higher yield within a smaller footprint, which makes it a good choice for eco-conscious California growers and consumers. You know where the fruit came from, and that’s never too far away from home for shoppers in the Golden State,” said Keith Blanchard, Field Manager.
Index Fresh pioneered the promotion of GEM avocados, advising growers on how to care for the trees, harvest their fruit, and market it in a way that emphasizes the unique appeal.
Cheers to a successful season ahead!