JV Smith Companies and Taylor Farms Detail Partnership with Brighter Bites
DALLAS & HOUSTON, TX, & YUMA, AZ - Compared to those who have been in fresh produce for decades, I am a newcomer. However, one thing I can say for certain is our industry is one that prides itself on giving back and supporting each other. Brighter Bites is among those fostering this quality, remaining an industry ally and helping others create healthier lifestyles through the wonders of fresh. As dedicated partners to Brighter Bites, Vic Smith, CEO of JV Smith Companies, and Mark Clement, Vice President of Sales for Taylor Farms Texas, encourage other industry members to join them.
“To me, the benefits extend beyond the obvious fact we are helping people improve their families’ diets and, therefore, their overall health. This is one of the best ways we can create a generation of new consumers for our products,” explains Vic. “This program is an investment in the future of our industry, but more importantly, in the future of our citizens for a healthier life.”
JV Smith first got involved with Brighter Bites back in the fall of 2019, and has been contributing to the organization ever since. The grower donates part of its crops to Brighter Bites in partnership with Taylor Farms, offering a variety of products to recipients while meeting the needs of the growing organization.
“Being directly involved has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my career. With every box we donate, we know that a family will get a chance to try some new healthy foods each week,” says Mark. “At the center of this is the children; they are the ones that get to bring these items home and help get their parents excited about eating healthy. I highly encourage all of our colleagues in the industry to get involved with donations, as well as volunteering at food distribution events.”
Like JV Smith, Taylor Farms Texas has been a partner of Brighter Bites for several years, having directly begun working with the organization in June of 2018 when a group from the company participated as volunteers at a local Dallas, Texas, elementary school. After spending a rewarding morning assembling and passing out fruits and vegetables to families, Taylor Farms decided to continue expanding its partnership with Brighter Bites.
“My favorite part of the day was dropping off the items to each classroom's students and teachers,” Mark adds. “The number of smiles and ‘Thank-yous’ we received were absolutely priceless.”
With the help of JV Smith, Taylor Farms is able to donate twice a week during the school year to Brighter Bites in both Dallas and San Antonio, Texas. JV Smith has helped expand offerings available to the program while providing enough product to extend the organization’s reach to even more families.
As part of its combined efforts, JV Smith has agreed to donate bulk products for Taylor Farms to use. Instead of the company paying JV Smith, Taylor Farms puts that money into a fund that enables Brighter Bites to order a greater variety of bulk and value-added products from the company to serve the program.
“This partnership aligns perfectly with JV Smith Companies and our values to contribute back to communities. I can think of no better cause than to provide healthy, nutritious food to families that might not have the regular access to produce, and Brighter Bites can then deliver these products to the people in need in the most effective manner I have ever seen,” Vic passionately tells me. “With their outreach, education, and respectful distribution practices, they can maximize the value we are all striving for.”
With companies like JV Smith and Taylor Farms helping light the way for others across the industry, join them in supporting Brighter Bites and helping those in need experience the fresh produce we hold dear.