Kroger Successfully Hires 11,500 of Promised 14,000 New Workers to Support Growth
CINCINNATI, OH - As the retailer continues to grow its portfolio of stores, Kroger’s CEO Rodney McMullen reported a successful spring hiring of 11,500 new employees.
"So many people come here for a job but stay here for a career," McMullen said, according to USA Today Cincinnati, commenting that Kroger has a history of building mutual trust with employees by quickly giving them responsibility. "I remember I was 18 and had keys to close the store on Saturday and open it on Sunday morning."
This responsibility has been entrusted to nearly 12,000 people in the last few months amidst a continuously hungry job market, part of the retailer’s prior promise to add 14,000 new associates to its ranks as it seeks to bolster its capacity.
"There's still a lot of underemployment out there. On the flip side: lower unemployment means the economy is stronger, which is good for everybody," McMullen commented.
And the shopping spree isn’t over yet. McMullen added that we can expect hundreds more in the months to come.
"We're still hiring for summer – if you love people and you love food, it's a fabulous place to work," the CEO stated.
The positions are both full and part time, ranging from department heads, to assistant store managers, to clerks and cashiers. Cincinnati also reported that, should Kroger succeed in filling the announced number of positions, it could stand to become the second-largest U.S. employer.
As we previously reported, Kroger plans to further grow its footprint in geography as well as the employment market, with moves in the works to invest upwards of $4 billion into further growth, including expansions, renovations, and store replacements. Keep checking in with AndNowUKnow as we continue to track this and other growing chains in the retail segment.