Limoneira Promotes Healthy Living and Athletics with Spokesperson Megan Roosevelt
SANTA PAULA, CA - Game, set, match. Limoneira and the power of lemons hit the courts recently with spokesperson and Healthy Grocery Girl® Founder and CEO Megan Roosevelt, who spoke on the importance of healthy living and the key role lemons can play for athletes.
“Tennis, with its aerobic movement, helps to burn fat, increase energy level, and increase our heart rate. It’s a great, fun way to exercise, and lemon water is one of the healthiest beverages that an athlete or anyone can consume,” Megan explains in the video one-on-one. “Lemons contain the immune-boosting and antioxidant vitamin C that can help balance pH levels and help us stay hydrated.”
Kicking off tomorrow, September 30th, is a key tennis event Limoneira is happy to be a part of: the 2017 Riviera ITA Women's All American Championship.
To discuss the details, Megan “served it up” to CEO of the Intercollegiate Tennis Association, Tim Russell, who explained the event takes place at the Riviera Country Club, one of the oldest and largest tennis clubs in the western U.S.
“We invite everyone to come out to watch some of the nation’s most talented young women compete, it’s going to be an exciting event! In October we also celebrate ITA Community Service Month presented by Limoneira,” Tim said.
He explained that working with and being embedded in the communities it serves is a great measure of the ITA’s success. All programs are encouraged to participate in Limoneira’s hours challenge, a running tally to showcase what teams have completed the most service hours.
“The ITA Community Service Month will represent the totality of all of our ITA programs combined in giving back as true leaders,” Tim explained.
Watch the full video, tennis ball tossing and all, to get further details.