Michael Blume Discusses Keystone Fruit Marketing’s Onions, Peaches, and Asparagus Programs at SEPC Southern Exposure
GREENCASTLE, PA - The Southeast Produce Council (SEPC) is assembling our industry to bring innovations, advancements, and familiar faces once more to Orlando, Florida. It might not be the Avengers Tower, but it is something equally enticing—Southern Exposure. I got in touch with Michael Blume, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Keystone Fruit Marketing, to glean a sneak peek ahead of what the grower has to offer.
“We’re excited to showcase our sweet onions! As the Peru season winds down, we have already started with our Product of Mexico crop. By mid-March, we will be getting ready to start our Texas season!” Michael explains, making me equally excited. “Looking ahead to the rest of the year, the Vidalia® Onions will be ready by mid to late April. In June, we will then get started with our Walla Walla sweet onions.”
That’s some sweet (onion) news to hear if you ask me! In addition to the grower’s onions, Keystone will be showcasing its peaches and asparagus programs at Southern Exposure, two categories that are sure to be a hit come spring.
“Starting around mid-May, we will be looking toward our Southern peaches. We’re also excited to spread awareness of our year-round asparagus program, of course!” Michael continues. “However, I think we’re all looking forward to meeting customers and industry friends again face to face. We’ve missed these interactions, and we can’t wait to say hi to everyone again.”
This year, SEPC’s Southern Exposure will be held at the Swan & Dolphin Resort March 3–5. As we all converge once more to bump fists and elbows, our industry has overcome—and are still facing—many challenges and hurdles. Some issues occurring as of late have been inflation and costs, issues Keystone is eager to discuss as well.
“With the costs of almost everything on the rise, we are looking forward to talking with our customers about our pricing,” Michael explains. “It’s more important than ever that we discuss options to help save costs where we can.”
Anticipation is on the rise as we near Thorsday, March 3, so stay tuned as we continue to report.