Nexxt Pack Introduces Home Compostable Cellulose Net; Marco Bini Shares
UNITED STATES - Sustainability and environmental friendliness have become top of mind for many consumers, meaning it has also become important for buyers and suppliers across the industry as they look to make products stand out on the shelves. Aiding in this mission is Nexxt Pack Solutions, which is introducing compostable netting in the U.S., an innovative option that can be used for a plethora of categories.
“I like that it can be readily introduced to a wide range of farming operations, small and large,” said Marco Bini, Principal. "It can be used manually or with clipping machines that are inexpensive and very efficient. The final product is a minimalist bag that uses little material while showing the fruit inside, extending the shelf-life where good air flow is desired.”
Austria-based company VPZ has been manufacturing its certified compostable net to be used in manual application or clipping machines, according to a press release. Now, Nexxt Pack is bringing the packaging concept to the U.S., seeing great potential for its applications across the fresh produce industry.
Certified home compostable, the netting is food grade and comes in a variety of non-bleeding natural colors that are applied using a CO2 neutral process. The nets use scraps from the beech wood industry, a full-circle, sustainable sector in its own right.
With its sustainability and natural processes, the nets can be used for products ranging from citrus, kiwis, and avocados to onions and some varieties of potatoes. The nets are also stable and can be stored for an extended period of time without damage.
On the lookout for a sustainable packing option for your products or shelves? Nexxt Pack may have just what you are looking for!