Rainier Fruit Company Discusses National Pear Month Promotions; David Armenta Shares
SELAH, WA - National Pear Month isn’t just an opportunity to highlight pears; think of it as an opportunity to make your pear program shine as we prepare to kick off a new year of sales activity. This stellar category is certainly worth celebrating, and it may even be the key to unlocking produce aisle basket share. Rainier Fruit Company would know.
“The holidays and National Pear Month are a great time to reinvigorate the pear category and highlight pears for holiday baking and cooking,” said David Armenta, Sales Manager, pointing out how pear promotions are advantageous in more ways than one.
Beautiful and versatile, Rainier pears are the perfect partner to usher in sales long after the holiday season is over. National Pear Month opens the doors for pear promotions, and that is one door anyone would be remiss not to walk through.
“Pears are naturally stunning, making it simple to have beautiful displays and cross-promotions,” David explained. “Pears go well together with many items throughout the store from chocolate and sweets, cured meats, cheeses, and wine, providing boundless opportunities to promote during National Pear Month.”
Making the category even more of a standout, Rainier backs its partners with perfectly ripened product every time. The company’s unique operations position its retail partners to succeed in the produce aisle and beyond.
“With our pre-conditioned pear program, our aim is to provide a ripe pear within one or two days after purchase, providing the customer with the best and perfectly ready-to-eat pear without the challenge of ripening them at home,” David concluded. “Give the customer a wonderful eating experience and they will come back again and again for more.”
It is as simple as that. So, give your shoppers a premium eating experience and celebrate National Pear Month with Rainier Fruit.