Supply-Side Members Share Their Thanksgiving Gratitude and Appreciation
UNITED STATES - I have always felt a strong tug toward the Earth beneath my feet. Yes, partially gravity, but more so, it is a passion for the things that nourish me and those I love, as well as a deep respect for an ecosystem that creates, entrusts, and provides for each of us. It is with these sentiments that I enter Thanksgiving and feel a strong stir of emotion and a seismic draw toward our industry and what you all do.
This week, and always, I thank you for your sleepless nights, your endless devotion, and your deep commitment to growing the fresh produce that allows us all to thrive and enables me to write these sentences at all.
Please join me and a few of our friends as we give thanks this Thanksgiving and always.
David Lake, President, 4Earth Farms™
“On behalf of 4Earth Farms™, I would like to thank our dedicated staff, tireless production team, growers, truckers, and our customers, who help bring family and friends together for Thanksgiving.”
Mark Cassius, President, Sol Group Marketing
“Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays as it’s a time to spend time with family and reflect on the friends and loved ones in my life and focus on the things that matter the most. Of course, there are the traditional foods that I enjoy, but it’s the family time that matters the most to me. What a great industry we are all blessed to work in as we provide healthy food to consumers that contribute to these meaningful meals. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!”
Kim St George, Vice President of Sales West, Dole Fresh Veg
“The holidays are a perfect time to reflect on the past year and what’s most important! I am most grateful for my immediate family and my close network of produce peeps who are also an extension of my family! We are truly blessed every day!”
Bob Mast, President, CMI Orchards
“I am eternally grateful for my relationship with our Heavenly Father and for the AMAZING people He has surrounded me with in this industry to make me a better individual than I could ever be on my own. They inspire me daily to be a better leader and seek continuous improvement in everything we do. I am so very thankful and humbled by the gift of Salvation from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He has demonstrated for us the very best example of service to others we will ever witness. With that being said, I am making a renewed commitment to the service of others this holiday season. I am so very thankful the Lord allowed my family to live in the country we do and that we have the freedom to make the choices we do every day. With this being said, we will choose this holiday season to focus on the goodness of our country and strive to be the best individuals we can be.”
Randy Giumarra, Vice President of Sales, Giumarra Vineyards
“I am so grateful for the hardworking men and women who work in the fields, packing facilities, and offices who bring our many crops to market. I’m grateful for the Thanksgiving traditions started by my father’s family that we still carry on today, along with new traditions that we’re sharing with our children, nieces, and nephews. Lastly, I’m grateful that the kids, nieces, and nephews are now old enough to do the dishes while I lie on the couch and rub my full belly!”
Karen Caplan, Chief Executive Officer and President, Frieda’s Branded Produce
“I am grateful that my two adult daughters and I continue our tradition of spending our Thanksgiving Day cooking together for our family and friends. There is a lot of fun talk and catch-up in the kitchen! And, since our turkey didn’t cook last year, we now have a special bonding experience!”
Lori Taylor, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, The Produce Moms®
“I am always thankful for my family. Joe and Mac survived the active shooter situation at the Greenwood Mall this summer, so Thanksgiving has a deeper and more profound meaning than ever before. I will be hugging my children tight and making all their favorite foods. My wish for our industry is a day of peace and joy. It’s been a really challenging year. I hope everyone can be present with their loved ones and set worries aside—we all deserve it!”
Our gratitude is endless for each of you and even more so as we walk through this Thanksgiving holiday. Thank you for all that you do, today and every day.