Syngenta Vegetable Seeds Outlines Benefits of IDEAL Melon Program; Dillon Chavez Comments
WOODLAND, CA - As consumers peruse the grocery store, they might not be shopping with the confidence they could—and arguably, should. Instead, the produce aisle can be a source of anxiety for some shoppers: How do they know they’re picking the perfect fruit? A recent innovation in cantaloupe looks to reinvigorate consumer confidence in this segment by making it easy for retailers to deliver on the perfect melon, every time.
Syngenta Vegetable Seeds collaborated with the University of California, Davis, to compare IDEAL Melons to traditional long shelf-life (LSL) varieties available at market, and the results were very promising. I spoke with Syngenta’s Product Development Specialist for the Desert Southwest, Dillon Chavez, to learn more about the study’s findings.
“It was a four-trial experiment where UC Davis received traditional LSL varieties and IDEAL Melons with the Harvest Indicator Trait from different growing areas,” Dillon noted. “According to the UC Davis evaluation study, IDEAL Melons had significantly more volatile organic compounds (aroma), significantly more consistent high sugars, higher amounts of the dark orange flesh color, and more consistent flesh texture.”
Syngenta created the IDEAL Melons concept to increase melon consumption, which the company noted has taken a downturn over the years.
“The lack of consistency in flavor, aroma, and texture of traditional LSL cantaloupe is directly related to the decrease in their consumption. IDEAL Melons provide the IDEAL colored rind, IDEAL musky aromatics, creating the IDEAL eating enjoyment for shoppers, bringing repeat purchases and value to your produce aisle throughout the year,” Dillon explained.
Because of its consistency with respect to interior color, holding ability, and flavor, the versatility of IDEAL Melons extends to fresh-cut, an ever-growing segment as convenience continues to play a factor across the supply chain.
“Consumers seek healthy and fresh food choices on-the-go, and retailers go to great lengths to provide value and quality on their shelves. We hope to drive this point at IFPA’s Foodservice Conference in Monterey, California, where we will be sampling out IDEAL Melons to attendees,” Dillon noted. “They are ideal for fresh-cut because of their flavor, internal color, texture, and overall consistency.”
As Syngenta looks ahead, it reports that new varieties under the IDEAL Melon brand are on the horizon.
ANUK will be on the lookout for updates, so stick with us for the latest report.