T&G Global’s Cecilia Flores Paez Discusses Envy™ Love in Lead-up to Valentine’s Day
LOS ANGELES, CA - Apples are the Valentine’s treats to lean more into for both rooted and fresh approaches to this love-festooned day. Lovely by themselves as well as dipped in chocolate, caramel, or frosting, the trees that bear this fruit, according to Oxford, are originally from the rose family. How many more layers of Valentine gift traditions can you get in one item?
And the apple of consumers’ eye, T&G Global reports, is the increasingly well-known Envy™. So much so, it has even teamed up with this year’s anticipated V-Day movie Marry Me.
“The outlook for 2022 is looking to be another year of growth for Envy as they continue to show strong pull with consumers as shopper spend increases, meaning stronger numbers for retailers as well,” Cecilia Flores Paez, Head of Marketing, North America, shared with me. “Envy has, quite literally, won over the hearts and shopping carts of consumers across the country.”
Nielsen’s U.S. Market, L52Wks thru Dec. 2021, showed the branded apple topping sales charts while Panel Data (December 2021) listed the average spend per shopping trip of an Envy consumer at an almost $2 increase to $98.45 from 2020’s $96.51.
“If we want to speak to the holiday of loyalty and love, we have to speak about Envy,” Cecilia pointed out. “Consumers absolutely adore these apples, not just based on recent shopper studies, but also in numerous testimonials we have received and love to provide to anyone interested to hear what shoppers have to say.”
A sought-after everyday premium apple brand, frequency of shopping trips, spend per trip, buy rate, and average basket size are just some of the ways Envy is proving to be a love interest for consumers. This, Cecilia said, provides a great opportunity for retailers to add and expand Envy in their produce to meet customer demands.
So when wooing sales not just around this season of love, but all year round, it sounds like retailers should consider the rising numbers that have found a passionate eating experience in Envy apples.