Walmart Reveals $8M Remodel of Brookhaven, Mississippi, Distribution Center
BROOKHAVEN, MS - An exciting renovation project is getting underway for big-box grocer Walmart. The retailer recently announced its investment of $8 million, which is set to revamp its distribution center (DC) located in Brookhaven, Mississippi.
“We were honored to host local economic development leaders, Brookhaven’s Mayor Joe Cox, Lincoln County Board of Supervisors, city officials, first responders, and local business leaders to announce our 8-million-dollar renovation project,” the retailer announced via a post on its Walmart Distribution Center 6011 - Brookhaven, Mississipi, Facebook page. “We look forward to having this project complete by the end of August!”
As reported by The Daily Leader, this project is expected to be completed over the course of the next four months. No further details from Walmart were released, but multiple local officials commented on the news.
“Expanding existing businesses is important to our continued economic development and job growth,” Mayor Joe Cox said.
Karen Sullivan, the Alderwoman-at-Large for Brookhaven, also commented on Walmart’s exciting developments to come in Mississippi.
“We congratulate them on their remodel,” she said. “Walmart 6011 has been a valued part of our community for almost 35 years. Last year, they awarded $25,000 in grants for various nonprofits. Kudos to Bill Sones and others who worked diligently to bring this industry here in the mid-eighties.”
How will Walmart leverage this DC remodel in order to fortify its network? Keep reading ANUK as we report.