West Pak Avocado Unveils Its Inaugural Sustainability Report
MURRIETA, CA - 2021 is off to a quick start, and has already proven to be a year of firsts. For West Pak Avocado, the company has unveiled its first-ever sustainability report covering both its domestic and international operations. Aptly named Growing a Legacy of Responsibility, the report communicates to its various stakeholders West Pak’s commitment to sustainability, its ongoing efforts, and its performance.
“We support responsible sourcing, sustainable agriculture, and a deeply rooted respect for people along the entire value chain and beyond,” stated CEO Mario Pacheco. “We have long recognized that sustainable environmental and social practices are not only the right things to do but are also good business practices. This idea shapes our decision-making and sustainability strategies across our business.”
The report contains information in regards to the 2019 calendar year, but also includes past efforts on behalf of the company, as well as context data to create a baseline for goal-setting and future assessment of its progress. According to a press release, West Pak used the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards to draft the document and prioritize relevant information. The company also utilized the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to help create its report.
In addition to its report, West Pak also created a cross-functional Sustainability Council to become stewards of the company’s values and help ensure that these values are visible in all aspects of West Pak’s business.
“Through our operations and our work with our customers, growers, suppliers, and other partners, we strive for eco-efficient operations, safe and fair working conditions, and business practices that benefit all of our stakeholders,” continued Pacheco. “As we look to the future, we feel confident in our positioning to prosper and grow along a sustainable and equally bright path. With a solid foundation that respects people and our environment, we look forward to pursuing the opportunities that the rapidly growing global avocado market presents.”
West Pak furthered its commitment to a more sustainable future with the inception of its first official carbon footprint analysis that represents data through the end of 2019. The report found that while avocado sales increased by more than 25 percent from 2017 to 2019, West Pak’s energy intensity and associated GHG emissions intensity decreased by more than 73 percent. With a positive start, West Pak is looking to further its improvements in coming years.
From 2017 to 2019, the company also increased the usage of reusable plastic containers and RPCS by more than 50 percent, and is projecting a tripling of RPCs in 2020. West Pak is also working to integrate Earthbag, an environmentally friendly, recyclable packaging solution.
As more companies across fresh produce launch new sustainability strategies and continue to evolve those already in place, AndNowUKnow will continue to bring you the latest information.