Yuma Fresh Vegetable Association and Yuma County Agriculture Water Coalition Demonstrate the Importance of Yuma's Water Allocations; Dr. George Frisvold Shares
YUMA, AZ & BARD, CA - Water resources are a constant topic of conversation in our industry, especially when it comes to the success and longevity of the ag sector. Yuma, Arizona's ag industry has explained how a prolonged drought in the West is making the fate of the Colorado River less certain and potentially putting agriculture at risk. The industry recently put together a webpage and video illustrating what could happen if the Yuma area does not get its water allocations from the Colorado River.
"Yuma is about 75 percent more efficient than the rest of the Colorado Basin. If you cut water from Yuma, society will be giving up more than if you make cuts elsewhere. . ." says Dr. George Frisvold, an agricultural economist with the University of Arizona.
Between the months of November and April, 90 percent of the United States' and Canada's leafy greens and other vegetables come from the Yuma area, a press release explained. Reduced water supplies for Yuma will mean fewer healthy foods available for consumers, as approximately 170 million servings of lettuce are produced in the Yuma area each day from November through April.
As the release noted, generations of farmers have built one of the most efficient and productive agricultural ecosystems in Yuma.
Yuma farmers conserve water by leveling fields, using the precise amount of water needed for each crop, and tracking every gallon of water used.
Read more about the challenges impacting the Yuma growing region here.
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