Amazon Tests Latest Grocery Pilot; Tony Hoggett Shares
UNITED STATES - Amazon continues to search for its footing in the grocery sector. The mega-retailer announced that it plans to pilot a new grocery subscription for Prime members to get unlimited grocery delivery from Whole Foods Market and Amazon Fresh. “We’re always experimenting with features to make shopping easier, faster, and more affordable, and we look forward to hearing how members who take advantage of this offer respond,” Tony Hoggett, Amazon's Senior Vice President of Grocery Stores, said in a statement reported on by CNBC.
The pilot program will include a fee, a monthly option to pay $9.99 for unlimited grocery delivery. According to CNBC, Amazon is betting Prime members will want to pay that additional monthly charge for fresh food to be dropped at their doorstep without delivery fees.
Consumers still seem to be taken with delivery programs from DoorDash and Instacart, so it will be intriguing to see how this format shakes out in terms of both loyalty to the Amazon brand and whether or not consumers want to start shaving off dollars during their grocery spending.
Time will tell on the program’s success, so stick with ANUK as we continue to map out the latest in retail.