Bee Sweet Citrus Expands Winter Citrus Lineup With Heirloom Navels; Keith Watkins and Joe Berberian Share

Bee Sweet Citrus Expands Winter Citrus Lineup With Heirloom Navels; Keith Watkins and Joe Berberian Share

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FOWLER, CA - Bee Sweet Citrus is expanding its lineup of winter citrus as it announces the seasonal availability of a high-demand variety. Heirloom Navels are making their long-awaited return to the produce aisle, bringing with them greater opportunity for wintertime success.

Keith Watkins, Vice President of Farming, Bee Sweet Citrus“For decades, our growers have worked diligently to exceed our customers’ standards in taste and quality,” stated Vice President of Farming Keith Watkins. “Heirloom Navels set the bar for excellence due to their high brix levels and exceptional flavor.”

A press release explained that Heirloom Navels are a selection of California’s oldest and most established citrus varieties. Generally grown on blocks of well-aged trees averaging between 40–60 years old, the variety brings excitement and seasonal demand to the produce aisle.

Joe Berberian, Sales Representative, Bee Sweet Citrus“Customers can rely on Heirloom Navels because they’re never compromised by acidity,” stated Sales Representative Joe Berberian. “The work of our farm and production teams, coupled with the technology of our Brix machines, guarantees consumers an exceptional piece of fruit every time they turn to our brand.”

Bee Sweet’s Heirloom Navels sport the iconic brand name and stand out in black cartons and matching 3 and 4 lb bags. The company also offers supplemental display bins, station signs, and consumer cards to help retailers market the fruit in-store.

Bee Sweet Citrus has announced the seasonal availability of its Heirloom Navel oranges

Heirloom Navels aren’t the only citrus stand-outs available from Bee Sweet Citrus, as the company also provides Mandarins, Navel oranges, lemons, Meyer lemons, Cara Cara Navel oranges, and Blood oranges.

The produce aisle’s seasonality will continue to shift as the weather prepares to warm up again, so stick with us here at ANUK.

Bee Sweet Citrus

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Bee Sweet Citrus

Bee Sweet Citrus was founded in 1987 as an independent packer and shipper of California oranges. As our business grew, we…