BioSafe Releases Research Showing OxiDate 2.0 is Safe on Honey Bees
EAST HARTFORD, CT - It’s no secret within the produce industry that the colony count for honey bees a concern.
BioSafe, a family-owned manufacturer of biodegradable disease-control products, has been examining OMRI listed and EPA approved bactericide, OxiDate 2.0, to make sure that it is honey bee safe while still being an effective crop solution for the past six months.
“Here at BioSafe Systems, where sustainable solutions are a top priority, we are constantly striving to solve real world issues that affect our stakeholders, from our customers and growers, to their customers, and in this case, the far reaching effects of colony collapse disorder,” the company said, according to a press release, of its decision to assess OxiDate 2.0’s acute contact toxicity potential.
Conducted by exposing honey bees (Apis mellifera) to direct topical application of OxiDate 2.0, the company was sure to adhere strictly to EPA guideline 850.3020. Overall the assessment was comprised of:
- A toxicity test totaling in 96 hours
- Observing the honey bees about four hours after initial dosing
- Observing the honey bees about 24 hours after initial dosing
During the observations, the company stated it was observing through 96 hours for mortality and clinical signs of intoxication, including ataxia, lethargy, hypersensitivity, etc.
“The conclusions of the study clearly show that BioSafe Systems’ OxiDate 2.0 is non-toxic and completely safe on Honey Bees when crops are sprayed at labeled concentrations and bees are actively visiting the treatment area,” the company said, proudly adding “proven Be Friendly” to their declaration of simply sustainable and always effective.
The exposure to pesticides, as well as bactericides and fungicides, has been linked to the decline in honey bee colonies and is a continued concern for both manufacturers and suppliers.
For a copy of the StillMeadow, Inc. toxicity limit test, visit www.biosafesystems.com.