California Fresh Fruit Association and California Table Grape Commission Honor Domenick “Cookie” Bianco With Lifetime Achievement Award; Wayde Kirschenman and Jon Zaninovich Comment
FRESNO, CA - For someone with a career as long and dedicated as that of Domenick “Cookie” Bianco, the industry will take notice. Bianco will soon be honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the California Fresh Fruit Association (CFFA) and the California Table Grape Commission (CTGC) at CFFA’s 88th Annual Meeting on March 11.

According to a press release, Bianco has spent his entire life working in agriculture. In 1972, along with his brother Robert, they both started Anthony Vineyards, named in honor of their father. Today, Anthony Vineyards has expanded into a vertically integrated farming company that currently cultivates table grapes, peppers, dates, and citrus in Bakersfield and the Coachella Valley, California, and Mexico.
For decades, Bianco has managed the Bakersfield operations while his brother Bobby managed the Coachella operations. Their lasting bond was instrumental in charting the direction of the company. Today, Anthony Vineyards continues as an inspiration to many of the power of family, hard work, determination, and trust in yourself, the release noted.

This joint recognition will honor Bianco’s lifetime of service to the California table grape industry. The award is bestowed upon an individual whose pioneering spirit and demonstrated inventiveness throughout their career, inspired others, and influenced the industry in a positive way.

“The Association is pleased to honor Cookie Bianco with the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award,” CFFA Chairman Wayde Kirschenman stated. “He is a leader in the table grape industry and has had a personal impact on my life and career. We are grateful for the partnership with the California Table Grape Commission to jointly recognize an individual who has had such a positive influence on both of our organizations.”
CTGC Chairman Jon Zaninovich echoed Kirschenman’s comments.

“Cookie Biano is an icon in the table grape industry,” Zaninovich added. “We are all pleased to honor him for his accomplishments, his contributions, and his service to the table grape growing community.”
We are forever thankful for the contributions Bianco has made to better our industry and ensure the longevity of table grapes in California.
Cheers to you, Cookie Bianco!