California Sees Snowfall in July

California Sees Snowfall in July

CALIFORNIA - While we experienced a pretty dry winter, one of the hottest months of the year saw some strange fluffy precipitation yesterday in parts of Northern and Central California.

Despite having just reported some mild relief for the Northwest in terms of the summer heat, the Golden State was surprised when the Tioga Pass, located in the Yosemite area, saw a few inches of snow last night.

Temperature Chart as of 5 a.m. July 10th (Photo Source: Snow-forecast)

While the moisture is definitely welcome, it does take a bit of an adjustment. The pass was closed as of about 5:30 p.m. last night, according to CalTrans District 9.

“SR120W Tioga Pass is NOW CLOSED From 4 miles west of Jct 395 to the Yosemite Nat'l Park Entrance Gate, Due to Snow,” the transportation company tweeted at 5:38 p.m., posting updates that it was in the process of opening it back up. The pass was successfully open by 7:45 p.m., with a wish for “safe travels” from CalTrans.

Red Points Indicated Areas of Snowfall for July 9th. (Photo Source: Snow-forecast)

The areas hugging the Sierra Nevadas on the eastern side of the California Central Valley saw only a few inches, but it was enough to turn the heads of California residents. While the Weather Channel reported that we would need a lot more of last night’s weather to bring up the record lows of snow levels in the state, it was enough to stop the presses.

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