Del Monte Fresh Produce's Mike Naftel Shares Foodservice Insights
CORAL GABLES, FL - Foodservice operations may have slowed or shifted, but the need is still alive and strong. To spur along innovation and to keep the sector thriving, the Del Monte Fresh Produce team joined an online meeting of the minds via PMA Foodservice: Delivered. One such mind was Mike Naftel, Senior Director of National Foodservice Sales for Del Monte Fresh Produce.
“We have noticed an increasing demand for products that will help our consumers— especially our younger consumers—introduce fresh fruits and vegetables to their lunches and afternoon snacks in tasty and convenient ways,” Mike elaborated. “Our newest products, such as our Better Break™ Convenience Line and our Homestyle Guacamole, fulfill those needs while also providing the nutrition consumers are looking for.”
With COVID-19 safety precautions in place, creative solutions are needed to ensure both safety in the kitchen as well as for the consumer. Cue Del Monte®, a brand recognized by consumers worldwide as a symbol of trusted product quality, freshness, and reliability. The company maintains product development at the forefront as Del Monte continuously strives to meet changing lifestyles and emerging consumer needs. With PMA Foodservice: Delivered offering a global and interactive platform, that innovative momentum continued flowing.
“PMA Foodservice: Delivered provided a platform where exhibitors and attendees could communicate and showcase their products and services in a unique way,” Mike recounted. “The virtual show allowed us to have great insights and helped us interact with key industry leaders from around the world.”
Innovative thinkers such as Del Monte can help segments in the quick-service and fast-casual restaurants and the healthcare sector deliver safe and nutritious products to consumers. Offerings such as fresh-cut produce and ready-to-use products not only cut prep time and labor for foodservice operators but guarantee food safety and convenience as well.
Great minds and strong leaders are at the front seat of our industry. Join us for the ride as ANUK continues to bring the latest in fresh produce.