Eastern Produce Council President Paul Kneeland Passes the Torch to Vic Savanello

Eastern Produce Council President Paul Kneeland Passes the Torch to Vic Savanello

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SHORT HILLS, NJ - Paul Kneeland, Vice President of Produce/Floral/Seafood/Meat for Kings Food Markets/Balducci's, completed his two-year term as President for the Eastern Produce Council this week, along with the rest of the current officers.

From left to right: Paul Kneeland of Kings Food Markets/Balducci's and Vic Savanello of Produce/Floral Allegiance Retail Services during the Eastern Produce Council's Changing of the Guard

Kneeland will be succeeded by 18-year-long member Vic Savanello, who is the Director of the Produce/Floral Allegiance Retail Services, according to a press release, and plays a supportive role on the Leadership Committee. He is also Chairman of the New York Produce Show and Conference Committee, co-chairs the Phil LaRocca/Pete Piastra Golf Outing, as well as the Strategic Planning Committee. Like Kneeland, Savanello will serve a two-year term in his presidency.

Other two-year term positions the council elected include:

  • 1st Vice President - Marianne Santo of Wakefern Food Corp.
  • 2nd Vice President - Greg Veneziano of Bozzuto's, Inc.
  • Secretary - Rob Goldstein of Genpro, Inc.
  • Treasurer - Sal Zacchia of RDD Associates

Marc Goldman of Morton Williams and Chris Keetch of Ahold also joined as directors for  Eastern Produce Council, which will add a stronger retail presence, according to the release.

The council reportedly appreciated Kneeland's leadership and vision over the last two years, thanking him for his time served as President.