This Halloween, Carve an Avocado!

This Halloween, Carve an Avocado!

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HALLOWEENTOWN - Boys and girls of every age, wouldn’t you like to see something strange? Pumpkins were once your seasonal fave, but avocados might be taking their place!

Fast-casual chain Chipotle is giving pumpkins a new reason to scream in the dead of the night—and it has nothing to do with spooky ghosts and ghouls and everything to do with unemployment blues.

In its latest marketing gig, Chipotle named avocados the new produce go-to to display on your porch, releasing a DIY Avocado Carving video uprooting pumpkins as the face of Jack-O-Lanterns.

In the video, Chipotle walks the curious through how to make an Avocado Lantern—the spookiest of spooky Halloween decorations you could display as the Avocado Lantern is rumored to contain the souls of the industries millennials have killed. If you’re familiar with pumpkin carving, you already know the name of the game; you’ll need a spoon for scooping, a knife for cutting, a candle for lanterning, and a pumpk—I mean, avocado! Duh!

For some inspiration, watch Chipotle’s video above, or if you already find yourself savvy with all things scary, submit your Avocado Lantern creation to our ANUK Halloween Yearbook!

Everybody sing with me, “This is Halloween, this is Halloween! Everybody scream: ‘Avocados reign supreme!’”
