Hollandia Produce Rebrands With New Pete’s Living Greens Label: Brian Cook, Corrie Hutchens, and John Cochran Discuss
CARPINTERIA, CA - There are few things that I love more than a good head of butter lettuce, so you can imagine my glee when I heard that the greens cultivators over at Hollandia Produce had some new plans in store to further engage consumers with its brand.
Kicking off some major innovations at the company, comes a new focus on the face of the brand. With a new name to cover the entirety of Hollandia Produce’s selections, Pete’s Living Greens is just the first phase in a strategic plan for the future success of the brand and company at large.
CEO John Cochran, Vice President of Sales Brian Cook, and the newest addition to the Hollandia team, Director of Marketing Corrie Hutchens, recently joined me to discuss all things Pete's Living Greens.
“We reviewed a lot of research surrounding ‘tomorrow’s consumer,’ and learned a lot about their values and how they drive purchasing decisions,” Corrie says. “This led Hollandia Produce to take a hard look at our values. It was evident that while we’ve always had a purpose, we could do a better job at conveying that messaging to consumers.”
Products now bearing the Pete’s Living Greens moniker will get a complete overhaul of their labels featuring a new design, alongside a secondary label added to reinforce the company’s message.
“It has been a long and arduous, but very rewarding process. You cannot take walking away from a longstanding successful brand lightly,” John continues. “Branding, specifically in packaging, is your first communication with consumers. The importance of understanding not just today’s consumer but tomorrow’s as well, is imperative to be successful.”
Born of a need to unite the company’s organic and conventional lines under one congruent brand, Pete’s Living Greens was brainstormed into fruition. Though the company found the quality and consistency of its previous brands were continuously on the rise, Hollandia Produce predicted that consumers were not associating the Live Gourmet and Grower Pete’s brands with one another.
“Pete put Hollandia Produce on the map as a leader in the hydroponically grown, living lettuce market so having his name in our brand was a no brainer. ‘Living Greens’ was added as a celebration to growing the category beyond our current success,” Brian explains. “Consumers are embracing the roots on products and connecting these roots to a fresher, better tasting eating experience is very important.”
Thus far, consumers have come back with excitement over the fresh, new look of the packaging. Hollandia Produce expects a seamless transition for its products to the Pete’s Living Greens brand, except for its Upland Cress which has more plans in store than just the new label.
For more in the exciting news coming from Hollandia Produce, stick with AndNowUKnow.