Homegrown Organic Farms’ Stephen Paul and Elise Smith Detail New EFI Certification and Thanksgiving Promotions
PORTERVILLE, CA - As the leaves change colors, the weather drops, and noses get a chilly pinch, one thing keeping Seasonal Affective Disorder (or SAD) at bay for many shoppers is the bevy of fall fruits coming into stores. Homegrown Organic Farms’ Tree Fruit Category Director Stephen Paul and Marketing Manager Elise Smith are just as eager to bring these fruits to market—and a new certification.
“This year, we’re excited to announce we have 100 percent certified Equitable Food Initiative (EFI) persimmons,” notes Stephen. “These are new to our fall fruit program, and we have plans to continue expanding our EFI-certified commodities. We think persimmons are a great first step for our fall fruit program.”
Joining the Fuyu and Hachiya persimmons on the program’s roster are Asian pears, pomegranates, and Mammoth kiwis. And with Thanksgiving on our doorsteps, retailers will have a cornucopia of fresh produce in their arsenal to build resplendent attractions in the produce aisle.
Volume overall was down in all commodities except Asian pears, however, quality has been exceptional. With drought affecting many growers here in California, Homegrown Organics wasn’t excluded. But, Stephen notes, the grower typically sees great fruit quality during dry years, and this season wasn’t any different.
“The colors and flavors of the season make for the perfect displays to attract shoppers, who will be excited to share the bounty of fruits with their families this season,” Elise Smith, Marketing Manager, jumps in. “Retailers can build a full display of organic fall fruit items with our program, and consumers can create their own seasonal displays and dishes for their tables to bring a little freshness to the heavy-food holiday.”
At the tail end of Homegrown Organic’s fall fruit season, the grower will be having the first harvests of its winter citrus varieties.
We here at ANUK can’t wait to report on the developments, so stay tuned.