Inside SEPC's 2015 Southern Innovations Symposium
CHARLESTON, SC - Last weekend, the Southeast Produce Council (SEPC) hosted the industry’s newest wave of products and cutting-edge ideas at its Southern Innovations Symposium, or the newly named SEPC Fall Conference.
Leading produce suppliers, retailers, and foodservice companies joined together at the Wild Dunes Resort in Charleston, SC, where attendees got a taste of some good ol’ fashioned southern hospitality and the latest innovations the industry has to offer.
New this year was the Bright Ideas Platform, which provided guests an up-close and personal first-hand look at the latest and greatest ideas in produce.
“The 2015 Southern Innovations Symposium exceeded our expectations. The overwhelming positive reviews and comments from the record breaking crowd were just tremendous,” said David Sherrod, Executive Director of SEPC. “Our inaugural Bright Ideas Platform was a great success for retailers, foodservice operators, and the grower-shippers alike. I would personally like to thank all our sponsors who made this weekend possible and for all those who attended the event.”
This year’s show represented 42 companies, highlighting 43 new and innovative items ranging from products to produce packaging and software.
"It was such an honor to be the Chairwoman of this phenomenal event," said Faye Westfall, Chairwoman for Southern Innovations and Director of Sales for DiMare Fresh - Tampa. "To watch our attendance numbers exceed our expectations was thrilling! SEPC just keeps getting better and better. The inaugural “Bright Idea’s Platform” was a huge success, allowing attendees to view new idea’s & products in a much better atmosphere for conversation, none like any other show. Every aspect of the event was successful, from the beginning to the closing. I also want to thank all the sponsors that made this such a tremendous success."
She added, "We now look forward to the Southern Exposure’s “Produce in Paradise” in Hollywood, FL, March 3-5, 2016."
Harold Paivarina, Director of Sales & Business Development at Red Sun Farms, Member of SEPC's Board of Director's, and Head of the Education Committee, said the show was extraordinary.
“The reception has been amazing. Our attendance is up 100 from last year and our retail presence has doubled over previous years,” he said. "The feedback we've been receiving on the floor has been phenomenal."
And what a show it was.
The event kicked off on Thursday with an intimate Welcome Reception in the Grand Pavilion Gazebo by the beach. Attendees had an opportunity to mingle with old friends, make new ones, and network with fellow buyers and growers from across the industry.
"The networking events were some of the best we ever had," said Sherrod. "I think we had something for almost everyone to enjoy."
Frank Singleton, a veteran brand-builder with more than 25 years of experience, gave attendees a deeper look into public relations and communicating your business’ value during his Educational Workshop on Friday morning. Following that, Jamie & Bobby Deen, sons of “Queen of Southern Cuisine” Paula Deen, gave a charming and informative keynote presentation during the General Session Luncheon.
“The marketing seminar was very well received,” continued Sherrod. “The Deen brothers were fantastic and were so heartfelt and connected with our audience.”
The star of the show, the Southern Innovations Bright Ideas Platform, gave attendees an opportunity to showcase and see new products, such as Ocean Mist's new Season & Steam bags, new bins from Shuman Produce, and Concord Foods' Lemon Juice.
Paivarinta said that the Bright Ideas Platform is a great way for companies to showcase their products and engage in greater conversation about them.
“We want to provide a table where people can talk beside each product and have meaningful conversations in a nice, relaxed atmosphere," he said. "I think we were able to accomplish that.”
Kristin Yerecic, Marketing Manager at Yerecic Label, agreed.
“The thing I love most about the Bright Ideas Platform is that it’s completely different than the ‘New Product Innovations’ that you see at other trade shows,” said Kristin Yerecic, Marketing Manager at Yerecic Label. “Here, you get to have one-on-one conversations at the Bright Ideas Platform and take your time looking through each product.”
The Symposium also featured a lively President’s Dinner Dance, inshore fishing, team building for the ladies of Southern Roots, and the annual tailgate party.
Katie Stagliano, Founder of Katie's Krops, was also presented a check for $5,000 from the Southeast Produce Council.
Overall, the show was a thrilling success and provided a great atmosphere to showcase the newest innovations. We look forward to seeing what SEPC has to offer next year, and we can’t wait to see what else the industry has in store.